June 2. Most of my pictures this week are over on the Places page from my trip to Portaferry on Tuesday. Thursday though, my kind neighbours Alice and Allen took me with family and friends for dinner at Grace Neill's here in Donaghadee, the oldest pub in Ireland (1609). Have I mentioned how I am the luckiest person in the world to have landed in this particular home? I had the fish of the day of course, and mushy peas (I was introduced to those last summer on our family trip!)

I do have a quick story to add. You've seen pictures of the street I live on, East St. The row houses have tiny yards in front of them. The second or third day I was here, I was walking up the street and on the sidewalk I found a one pound coin. If it had been in a park or someplace else I would have just stuck it in my pocket. But the sidewalks are narrow, and it was right in front of one home, as if it had dropped getting out of the car or walking through the gate. So I put the coin on the fence of the home. Here's the funny thing. It's still there! So now I don't know what to think! It's not the house residents and they don't want to take someone else's money? It is a test and someone is watching to see who will 'steal' it?? One thing for sure ~ at this point I'm not taking it!
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I love this in so many ways! It makes me feel warm & fuzzy! You sure are the luckiest girl in the world!
What a great mystery. Updates on the coin will be expected!
Loving your posts.